You only have to pay for a possible loss in value of the goods, if this loss of value is due to a handling that is not necessary for the examination of the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Model withdrawal form
(If you want to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and send it back.) To:
Car dealership Kiessetz & Schmidt GmbH
Managing Directors: Bernd Kiessetz and Sebastian Kiessetz
Berta Cramer Ring 5
65205 Wiesbaden
Fax: 06122 - 5369520
Hereby I / we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me / us (*) for the purchase of the
the following goods (*) / the provision of the following service (*)
........................ .. ..........................................................................................
Ordered on (*) / received on (*)
.................................................................................................................. ...
Name of the consumer (s) ...... .. .........................................................................
Address of the consumer (s) ............................................................................
Signature of the consumer (s) (only when notified on paper)
............................................................................ ......
Date ..................................
(*) Delete as appropriate.